Autor: Adam

Rakousko: Řeka Salza

Rakousko: Řeka Salza

Měli jsme štěstí a počasí bylo v průběhu prvního dubnového výkendu perfektní. Přes 20°C a sluníčko celý den. Vodočet ve Wildalpenu ukazoval ideálních 180 cm. Pro oba dny jsme zvolili 21 km dlouhý úsek Salzy z Wildalpenu do kempu Saggraben. Tento úsek nabízí relativně bezpečnou WWIII 

Vodní nádrž Slapy

Vodní nádrž Slapy

Vodní nádrž Slapy je oblíbená rekreační lokalita. Přes léto je hladina přehrady plná lodí a břehy jsou nacpané lidmi. V zimě nabízejí Slapy zcela jiný zážitek. Tmavá, ale čistá voda, ticho a rybáři  čekající na svůj úlovek. Osamělé jachty jsou zakotveny v přístavech a houseboaty 

Divoká Voda Čunovo

Divoká Voda Čunovo

Pouze několik kilometrů od Bratislavy je Centrum Vodních Sportů Čunovo. Čunovo je nejlepší místo pro trénink divoké vody a surfingu na Slovensku. Vedle kanálu je kemp, kde se dá přespat.. Gallery Video

Austria: Enns River

Austria: Enns River

On the Enns River we started under Kummerbrücke and finished in Hieflau. We had only a half-day available so we did not have time to run a longer bit. This time we went with paddlers from Austria and Germany who rode heavy plastic paddleboards for 

Slovenia: Soca River

Slovenia: Soca River

Paddling on the crystal-clear Soča River in Slovenia is an unforgettable experience, no surprise when the Soca River is considered to be the most beautiful river in Europe. The River offers various sections ranging from very easy parts to few extreme ones. During our visit 

Slovakia: Čunovo Water Sports Centre

Slovakia: Čunovo Water Sports Centre

Just few kilometres from Bratislava is located Čunovo Water Sports Centre. Cunovo is the best place for white water in the Slovak Republic. For a reasonable daily fee you can enjoy two white-water slalom courses and even a river wave! There is also camp site 

Israel: Jordan River

Israel: Jordan River

Quite surprisingly is it possible to paddle even on a river in Israel! The Jordan River is historically the crucial source of fresh water for Sea of Galilee as well as for many farmers. During our visit we paddled on the Jordan River not only 

France: Durance River

France: Durance River

Outdoormix Festival takes place every year in Embrun – a small French town right under the majestic Alps in Provence region. Among other sports paddleboarding is also present and SUP races in several disciplines are organised. In between the races the location provides a good 

Israel: Sea of Galilee

Israel: Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee is a peaceful place in the northern part of Israel. Surface of the lake is located 200 meters below sea level which makes it the lowest fresh water reservoir on earth. Camping is possible on many beaches and surprisingly there are not 

Israel: Dead Sea

Israel: Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is the only place where you can paddle 400 meters below sea level. A good starting point for a trip is a public beach in resort Ein Bokek where you can use showers. Gallery Video

Austria: River Salza

Austria: River Salza

We were lucky and the weather during the first week of April was just perfect. Over 20°C and sunshine all day long. River level gauge in Wildalpen read optimal 180 cm. For both weekend days we chose 21 kilometres long bit of Salza from Wildalpen 

Czechia: Sazava River in February

Czechia: Sazava River in February

First thaw resulted in perfect water-level conditions on the Sazava River even in the most popular part from town Tynec nad Sazavou to Pikovice. 146 cm reading on river gauge in Nespeky guaranteed that boards were not getting stuck on stones and weirs were rideable.